Intel Pentium III 1GHz

by Anand Lal Shimpi on March 8, 2000 8:00 AM EST

Data Explorer (DX-05) Viewset

Taken from:

The IBM Visualization Data Explorer (DX) is a general-purpose software package for scientific data visualization and analysis. It employs a data-flow driven client-server execution model and is currently available on Unix workstations from Silicon Graphics, IBM, Sun, Hewlett-Packard and Digital Equipment. The OpenGL port of Data Explorer was completed with the recent release of DX 2.1.

The tests visualize a set of particle traces through a vector flow field. The width of each tube represents the magnitude of the velocity vector at that location. Data such as this might result from simulations of fluid flow through a constriction. The object represented contains about 1,000 triangle meshes containing approximately 100 vertices each. This is a medium-sized data set for DX.

Performance here is much worse for the 1GHz Pentium III as it falls below the Athlon at 800MHz on the KX133. For all of you Athlon owners that are having fun with these numbers, remember that the minute you benchmark an Athlon on an AMD 750 board, the performance suddenly drops from being best of the best to the absolute worst.


NVIDIA's 3.76 drivers obviously do quite a bit of the KX133 and the 133A, isn't it amazing what 6MB of well written drivers can do?

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