ATI Rage Mobility 128

by Mike Andrawes on March 15, 2000 5:41 AM EST

Image Quality

Being based on the Rage 128 Pro core, we were not at all surprised to find image quality that was identical to the desktop Rage 128 Pro. On the desktop, the Rage 128 Pro is as good as it gets when rendering in 32-bit color. Unfortunately, dropping down to 16-bit color produces an odd dithering pattern that appears to shimmer. This dithering pattern is most noticeable when alpha blending is involved and does not appear on other graphics chips that have come through the AnandTech labs. The original Rage 128 was actually much worse in this respect and ATI made a special effort to minimize it in the Rage 128 Pro.

However, when you compare to other solutions in the notebook market, the Rage 128 Pro rendering is by far the best. Most mobile graphics parts don't even support 3D rendering, and those that do usually don't support the full spectrum of 3D rendering features that we expect in every desktop graphics part today. The S3 Mobile Savage appears to be the only solution that will be able to rival the Mobility 128 in the image quality department.

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