Intel Pentium III 866, 850

by Anand Lal Shimpi on March 20, 2000 12:24 AM EST

Advanced Visualizer (AWadvs-03) Viewset

Taken from

Advanced Visualizer from Alias/Wavefront is an integrated workstation-based 3D animation system that offers a comprehensive set of tools for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, image composition, and video output. All operations within Advanced Visualizer are performed in immediate mode with double buffered windows. There are four basic modes of operation within Advanced Visualizer:
  • 55% material shading (textured, z-buffered, backface-culled, 2 local lights)
    • 95% perspective, 80% trilinear mipmapped, modulated (41.8%)
    • 95% perspective, 20% nearest, modulated (10.45%)
    • 5% ortho, 80% trilinear mipmapped, modulated (2.2%)
    • 5% ortho, 20% nearest, modulated (.55%)
  • 30% wireframe (no z-buffering, no lighting)
    • 95% perspective (28.5%)
    • 5% ortho (1.5%)
  • 10% smooth shading (z-buffered, backface-culled, 2 local lights)
    • 95% perspective (9.5%)
    • 5% ortho (.5%)
  • 5% flat shading (z-buffered, backface-culled, 2 local lights)
    • 95% perspective (4.75%)
    • 5% ortho (.25%)

The Awadvs test is obviously limited by the DDR GeForce used in our test bed, and thus processor speed doesn't affect the test to any noticeable degree.


The only outliers in this case are the AMD 750 tests with the Athlon and the Pentium III tests on the BX platform which both deliver noticeably less memory bandwidth (or in the case of the AMD 750 platform, exhibit a less efficient use of memory bandwidth) than the faster setups on the chart.

SPECviewperf DesignReview (DRV-06) Viewset
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