Quake III Arena Performance- demo 001

The Quake III Arena demo001 results show us what we have come to expect from the GeForce 2 GTS. At lower colors and resolutions, the new processor does not excel substantially over its older brother. It is not until the color depth and resolution is cranked up do we begin to see the true power of the GeForce 2 GTS. At 1600x1200x16 the WinFast GeForce 2 GTS smokes the GeForce 256 DDR by 65%, the same margin seen in other GeForce 2 GTS based cards. You may note that the largest speed increases come when in 16-bit color. This is due to the memory bottleneck that the GeForce 2 GTS has, as described in our Overclocking the GeForce 2 GTS guide.

When overclocked, the performance of the card jumps even further. At the same resolution of 1600x1200x16 demonstrated above, the overclocked WinFast GeForce 2 GTS was able to race 83% faster than the GeForce 256 DDR. At the playable resolution of 1280x1024x32, the WinFast GeForce 2 GTS performed 25% faster than the DDR GeForce 256 and the overclocked card performed 38% faster than the GeForce 256 DDR.

The Test Quake III Arena Performance- Quaver
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