Performance Conclusion

What's the result of all of this work? Let's take our newly overclocked GeForce2 MX and see how it stacks up to the competition:

At 640 x 480 the performance of our overclocked MX was slightly faster than the stock card, but you can immediately notice a performance difference at 640 x 480 x 32.

The GeForce2 MX actually came out faster than our stock speed GeForce2 GTS at 800 x 600 x 16, but the most impressive thing is that the overclock also gave us an increase of about 17 fps in 800 x 600 x 32. This puts the MX noticeably faster than a GeForce SDR but a few frames slower than a DDR GeForce.

At 1024 x 768 the overclocked MX is still the second fastest thing on the chart in 16-bit color and in 32-bit color it is about 9 fps slower than the GeForce DDR but noticeably faster than the SDR GeForce. At $119, if you can manage to overclock the memory high enough, the GeForce2 MX is quite a killer.

Overclocking the GeForce2 MX Final Words
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