How it Rates

AnandTech Rating

Rating (x/10)

Audio Quality/Performance

The 3.2V RMS outputs on the empeg ensure that the signal coming out of the unit is just as good as any other mainstream head unit. The MP3 playback will be as good as CD playback provided that your MP3s are of a high enough quality.

There is no noticeable pause between songs and the high speed at which the unit searches through even thousands of songs is quite impressive.



The empeg is unmatched in terms of features, no other player currently available allows for the searching capabilities of the Mk.2 in addition to the rest of the features that make the unit worth its incredible price tag.



At a starting price of $1200, the empeg is far from affordable. Empeg needs to work towards producing a more cost effective entry level product in order to keep their name in the eyes of the consumer.



Available only through the Empeg Online Store, the empeg player is slowly becoming more available. While at the time of publication there was still a wait of a few weeks for players, by the year's end orders should be able to be fulfilled from stock on hand.


Documentation & Software Bundle

The empeg manual is fairly thorough although we would've liked some more troubleshooting information included in the manual. The emplode software is a good starting point, however its stability when dealing with larger amounts of file transfers must be improved.

Overall Rating - Not an Average
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