Overclocking Results

Running at a 235MHz core clock and a 515MHz memory clock, we paired our overclocked CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! with the stock clocked version of the card. In the first of our tests, we investigated how the overclocked card performed in Serious Sam's fillrate tests.

We found that overclocking the card provided rather large gains in both the single and dual texture fillrate benchmarks. The single texture fillrate performance of the card increased 11% when overclocking and the dual texture fillrate performance increased 15%. Let's see how these performance increases help actual gameplay performance.

The performance gain of the overclocked CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! rose as resolution increased. At 640x480x32 the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! at 235/515MHz performed the same as the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! at 200/460MHz. When increasing resolution to 1024x768x32, the overclocked card performed 4% faster and at 1600x1200x32 the overclocked card performed 11% faster.

Running at 235/515MHz provided a good performance boost in Serious Sam gameplay and won't leave gaming enthusiasts disappointed.

It is not surprising that the most taxing game in our benchmark suite was able to benefit the most from overclocking. Even starting at 640x480x32, the overclocked CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! was able to outperform the stock clocked card by 8%. Moving up in resolution to 1024x768x32 allowed for a 12% speed gain and 1600x1200x32 provided us with a 14% speed increase.

FSAA Performance Conclusion
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