DX8 Performance - Aquamark

Aquamark is a very stressful benchmark that seems to push GeForce3 cards to their limit, thus allowing us to see if anything is drastically wrong with a card. As you can see above, there does not seem to be anything wrong with the StarForce 822, as it performs within .1 frames per second of the other cards.

At 1024x768x32 all the GeForce3 cards performed identically, which is what we have seen cards do in the past. This goes to show that the differences between card performance is very small.


Same thing at 1600x1200x32, where the cards all get 19.1 frames per second. This goes to show that the StarForce 822 does not have any serious performance or stability problems.

OpenGL Performance - Serious Sam Overclocking Results
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