Energy Consumption

Our two servers are not directly comparable. However, with a few assumptions we can make a rough comparison. The Cirrus 1200 has four extra active disks (RAID-10 with eight drives instead of four). At idle, those drives require about 16W; under load, they probably need about 22W.

Energy consumption

In our tests, the Cirrus 1200 server is slightly less efficient than a typical tower server, probably a result of the fan configuration and the less efficient power supply. With all drives under load, that disadvantage seems to be gone as the Adaptec card seems to need less power than the LSI card. At top performance, even if we add 22W to the power measurement of the Supermicro tower, it still consumes slightly less power. The reason is that the Xeon E3 has to work much harder (92% CPU load) while the Xeon E5 does not have that problem (46%).

Overall, you can say that the power consumption of the Cirrus 1200 is competitive. The other good news is that at even full load, 170W dissipation will not raise the temperature of a smaller office much if at all. In fact it's less power than many smaller desktops/workstations equipped with a midrange or higher GPU.

Top Performance Conclusion
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  • thomas-hrb - Friday, June 6, 2014 - link

    If you looking at storage servers under the desk why not consider something like the DELL VRTX. that at least have a significant advantage in the scalability department. You can start small and re-dimension to many different use cases as you grow
  • JohanAnandtech - Friday, June 6, 2014 - link

    Good suggestion, although the DELL VRTX is a bit higher in the (pricing) food chain than the servers I described in this article.
  • DanNeely - Friday, June 6, 2014 - link

    With room for 4 blades in the enclosure the VRTX is also significantly higher in terms of overall capability. Were you unable to find a server from someone else that was a close match in specifications to the Cirrus 1200? Even if it cost significantly more, I think at least one of comparison systems should've been picked for equivalent capability instead of equivalent pricing.
  • jjeff1 - Friday, June 6, 2014 - link

    I'm not sure who would want this server. If you have a large SQL database, you definitly need more memory and better reliability. Same thing if you have a large amount of business data.

    Dell, HP or IBM could all provide a better box with much better support options. This HP server supports 18 disk slots, 2 12 core CPUs, and 768GB memory.
    It'll cost more, no doubt. But if you have a business that's generating TBs of data, you can afford it.
  • Jeff7181 - Sunday, June 8, 2014 - link

    If you have a large SQL database, or any SQL database, you wouldn't run it on this box. This is a storage server, not a compute server.
  • Gonemad - Friday, June 6, 2014 - link

    I've seen U server racks on wheels, with a dark glass and keys locking it, but that was just an empty "wardrobe" where you would put your servers. It was small enough to be pushed around, but with enough real estate to hide a keyboard and monitor in there, like a hypervisor KVM solution. On the plus side, if you ever decided to upgrade, just plop your gear on a real rack unit. It felt less cumbersome than that huge metal box you showed there.

    Then again, a server that conforms to a rack shape is needed.
  • Kevin G - Friday, June 6, 2014 - link

    Actually I have such a Gator case. It is sold as a portable case for AV hardware but conforms to standard 19" rack mount widths and hole mounts. There is one main gotcha with my unit: it does't provide as much depth as a full rack. I have to use shorter server cases and they tend to be a bit taller. It works out as the cooling systems of taller rack cases tend to be quieter and an advantage when bring them to other locations An more of a personal preference thing but I don't use sliding rails in a portable case as I don't see that as wise for a unit that's going to be frequently moved around and traveling.
  • martixy - Friday, June 6, 2014 - link

    Someone explain something to me please.

    So this is specifically low-power - 500W on spec. Let's say then that it's a non-low-power(e.g. twice - 1kW). I'm gonna assume we're threading on CRAC territory at that point. So why exactly? Why would a high powered gaming rig be able to easily handle that load, even under air cooling, but a server with the same power factor require special cooling equipment with fancy acronyms like CRAC?
  • alaricljs - Friday, June 6, 2014 - link

    A gaming rig isn't going to be pushing that much wattage 24x7. A server is considered a constant load and proper AC calculations even go so far as to consider # of people expected in a room consistently, so a high wattage computer is definitely part of the equation.
  • DanNeely - Friday, June 6, 2014 - link

    I suspect it's mostly marketing BS. One box even a high power one that's at a constant 100% load doesn't need special cooling. A CRAC is needed when you've got a data center packed full of servers because they collectively put out enough heat to overwhelm general purpose AC units. (With the rise of virtualization many older data centers capacity has become a thermal limit instead of being limited by the number of racks there's room for.)

    At the margin they may be saying it was designed with enough cooling to keep temps reasonable in air on the warm side of room temperature instead of only when it's being blasted with chilled air. OTOH a number of companies that have experimented with running their data centers 10 or 20F hotter than traditional have found the cost savings from cooling didn't have any major impact on longevity so...

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