Final Words

XFX put a lot of effort into the aesthetic appeal, with their marketing claiming that a case "represents who you really are". Aesthetics are a strictly subjective matter and the design of the Type 01 Bravo is undoubtedly unique. On the other hand, although it is not an aggressive design, we cannot really consider it to be "minimalistic" as XFX claims. The definition of minimalism is to design something with the least amount of elements possible, achieving simplicity. Though the design of the Type 01 Bravo is based on basic geometric shapes, they have been used excessively and in order to achieve a design that stands out a lot, not to form a simple and understated product.

In terms of performance, the XFX Type 01 Bravo is no better than most typical mid-tower cases. Although this isn't bad considering the size and design of the case, it becomes a problem once the price of the case is included in the evaluation. If it could close the performance gap between a mid-sized tower case and an advanced gaming case, the XFX Type 01 Bravo would have been serious competition; however, the XFX Type 01 Bravo is all but hopeless when compared with larger, more advanced designs.

Despite that, aesthetics are a subjective matter (some users might hate this design, others may love it) and the average performance is not really a major issue for a new case. The real problem of the Type 01 Bravo is the quality issues and the excessive use of plastic. We should clarify that there is nothing inherently wrong with plastic, the properties of which depend on its quality and density - there are plastics that greatly surpass the properties of the best metals. However, the plastics used in the Type 01 Bravo are badly designed and very brittle, requiring very careful handling by the user or serious damage is bound to happen. This also makes the Type 01 Bravo entirely unsuitable for frequent transportation and we would not recommend it to people who upgrade often either.


As the Type 01 Bravo is the very first attempt from XFX to design a case, we consider it to be a fair attempt, but with plenty of room for improvements. We cannot deny that the Type 01 Bravo has several useful and interesting features, nor that it is versatile and easy to work with. It is however plagued by quality issues and the price tag is hard to justify for what really is a typical mid-sized tower case with an unusual aesthetic. XFX is currently working on other case designs, with a rumored aluminum-based "Type 01 Alpha" coming up, which sounds far more interesting for advanced users, gamers, and enthusiasts.

Testing and Results
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  • asendra - Friday, May 16, 2014 - link

    I know this is not directly related to the post (which by the way, that's an ugly case if I ever saw one..) but, can anyone point me what brand are those power cables he is using with the psu? I know they are not the standard ones for that psu, and I've seen them in more places, but I can find them any where. (maybe I don't know how to look for them)
    I have a new build with a node 304 and a seasonic g-650 psu, and cable management is a issue with the cables it came with.

    If anyone can shed some light, I would really appreciate it.
  • munim - Friday, May 16, 2014 - link

    It could be MDPC sleeving.
  • Ninhalem - Friday, May 16, 2014 - link

    Doesn't look like MPDC sleeving. The weave isn't as tight as MDPC. More like paracord or LutroO Teleios.
  • jmbnbn - Friday, May 16, 2014 - link

    Although I can't be sure, I suspect these are the Corsair provided sleeved cable sets:
  • jmbnbn - Friday, May 16, 2014 - link

    Also yes, that is a horrible looking case. The front kind of reminds me of the Dell XPS 720 though, which makes me slightly sympathetic because that was a great case.
  • E.Fyll - Friday, May 16, 2014 - link

    jmbnbn is correct, Corsair supplied us with these colored sleeved cable sets specifically for these reviews, as we wanted the cables standing out in the pictures.
  • arealMESSiah - Saturday, May 17, 2014 - link

    They look like the Corsair individually sleeved cable kit.
  • RonanH - Friday, May 16, 2014 - link

    that is one fugly case :o
  • AndrewJacksonZA - Friday, May 16, 2014 - link

    Typos on page 3:
    "(along with the red XFX logos on the sides) are teh only exceptions." Spelling.
    " You'll also want to make you don't tie that cable down anywhere" Missing word.
    "the width of the drive cage can be reduced it can be removed completely" Missing comma.

    In my opinion the case is... an acquired taste. I'm sure some people will like it, but not me: the ventilation slots made me think of boring office computer cases from the early 2000s.

    Also, it's a pity about the thermals and noise of this case.
  • LordOfTheBoired - Friday, May 16, 2014 - link

    Oddly, the slots have made me think only one thing, since I saw the picture of the box. Large flat space, end-to-end slats, small flat space... at least from the side, It's a chubby NES.

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