Parhelia's Secret - 5th Order Filters

Most GeForce3/4 cards use a 3rd order filter on the analog outputs. If you're performing the modding trick you're actually reducing the order of the filter from a 3rd order filter down to a 2nd order filter, causing the following phenomenon:

The 3rd order filter has a steeper slope, but a similarly designed 2nd order filter can actually let more frequencies in

In this case, the move down to a 2nd order filter actually helps since you're letting more of the higher frequencies (at higher resolutions) through without changing the cutoff frequency.


The plethora of inductors and capacitors shown above make up the Parhelia's 5th order filters

The Parhelia-512 cards themselves will be outfitted with carefully designed 5th order low-pass filters on the outputs. This will dramatically improve image quality at higher resolutions, especially those closer to the cutoff frequency. Below is an example of how a 5th order filter can compare to the hypothetical 2nd/3rd order filters shown above:

Still the king of Image Quality Parhelia vs. GeForce4 vs. Radeon 8500 - Image Quality
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