Jetway and their Unique Motherboards

Jetway had a number of unique boards at their booth; first off, there was a motherboard that featured both Socket-939 and Socket-754 support. Obviously you can either use one or the other, but it still offers a good deal of flexibility.

ECS had a similar design about a year ago, so it's nothing too new but it is still interesting to see.

Jetway also showcased a Socket-939 PCI Express motherboard based on VIA's K8T890 chipset:

The K8T890 has been having a lot of problems according to motherboard makers, which explains why we have yet to see any real availability of boards based on the chipset.

Below is Jetway's Socket-754 motherboard with both PCI Express and AGP support:

The peculiar thing about this motherboard is that it is based on NVIDIA's nForce4 chipset, which doesn't support AGP. We didn't see any other chips on the motherboard, so we can only assume that the AGP slot is little more than a PCI slot with a different connector.

Final Words

We've already covered the vast majority of the show, but there is still more to come - including our annual industry report based on feedback from manufacturers at the show.

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  • Icehawk - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    Anyone have links for more on the i-Ram? ETA on the device?

    I have some older DDR sticks just sitting around that are essentially worthless, seems like the i-RAM would make me a nice swap disk. Too bad it doesn't offer a port on the back for an optional wall wart though.

    Also, on the AGP & PCIe boards - can you run both at the same time? Not SLI, I mean multi-monitor stuff.
  • EODetroit - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    #38/#41... I can't wait for those iRAM things to come out.

    My plan: Stripe or JBOD two of those suckers with 4GB each in them together, then load my World of Warcraft files on it, then instantaneously load new zones and massive PvP battles while everyone else is lagging out!

  • mlittl3 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    Oops, a little mistake in my post, #38. Actually a big mistake.

    Please ignore all the memory bandwidth numbers. I'm getting my bits mixed up with my bytes.

    DDR200 -> 1600 Mbytes/s not 1600 Mbits/s
    DDR333 -> 2700 Mbytes/s not 2700 Mbits/s

    The SATA numbers and everything else is correct, however. I think.

    Now I'm frustrated with myself. :)
  • gibhunter - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    You people need to get hold of yourselves and calm down about ULI. They used to make the worst pos chipsets as ALI and that's why they went under. Now rebranded as ULI you think they will be any better? Let me save you the trouble. Their chipsets are still piece of shit. I have a socket 939 motherboard that's just sitting there cause it wouldn't run at high performance settings. In fact, it corrupted my winXP install halfway through intslling drivers on it. Fresh install of windows gave me all kinds of problems thanks to a driver cd that installed winME USB drivers. So much for trying to save some time. Trust me, they went under for a reason. Stay away and stay happy. I now have two other socket 939 systems on VIA and Nvidia chipsets and sailing has been nothing but smooth. Can't say that for POS ULI which even if it runs stable can't match the other two in performance.
  • erinlegault - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    I want one of those nForce 4 Pro dual socket Tyan motherboard's with dual core Opteron 2xx's.

    That should last a while through our current multitasking paradigm.
  • mlittl3 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    #13 and anyone else, please, please read this.

    The Gigabyte iRAM is ONLY powered by the PCI slot. No, I repeat, NO data is moved through the PCI slot. When the PC is off, the RAM is powered by the rechargable battery.

    The reason for only supporting DDR200 is because data transfers through the SATA port (the iRAM is seen as a SATA hard drive by the PC) on the PCB. So the bandwidth of SATA is 150 Mbytes/s (1200 Mbits/s) and the bandwidth of DDR200 is 200 Mbytes/s (1600 Mbits/s). Any faster memory will work (DDR333, DDR400, etc.) but will be clocked at DDR200 on the iRAM because the bottleneck is the SATA transfer bandwidth.

    If they move the card to SATA II, 300 Mbytes/s (2400 Mbits/s) then they will support DDR333 which has a bandwidth of 337 Mbytes/s (2700 Mbits/s).

    The iRAM will have latencies of tens of nanoseconds instead of 10 milliseconds. This is three orders of magnitude (1000 times) faster.

    I know no one is going to read this and I'm going to get more frustrated.
  • monsoon - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    looking forward to real world tests of the GIGABYTE i-RAM and the ZALMAN "hamster" cooler !;)
  • Aquila76 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    LOL. I can't help thinking the Zalman CPU cooler should have a hamster running in it!
  • ViperV990 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    First I was wondering why there was a VGA-out on the A8N-SLI Premium, then I realized the rear I/O panel shown is not the one from the A8N. In fact, it doesn't match anything on the page.
  • ryanv12 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    My girlfriend is going abroad in China this summer. I think I should have her pick me up one of these ULI boards with AGP and PCI-E if they aren't going to be releasing them in the states ;)

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