Professional Performance: Windows

Agisoft Photoscan – 2D to 3D Image Manipulation: link

Agisoft Photoscan creates 3D models from 2D images, a process which is very computationally expensive. The algorithm is split into four distinct phases, and different phases of the model reconstruction require either fast memory, fast IPC, more cores, or even OpenCL compute devices to hand. Agisoft supplied us with a special version of the software to script the process, where we take 50 images of a stately home and convert it into a medium quality model. This benchmark typically takes around 15-20 minutes on a high end PC on the CPU alone, with GPUs reducing the time.

Agisoft PhotoScan Benchmark - Total Time

Photoscan prefers full threads and high IPC, so the low end i3, AMDs APUs and the G3258 all perform within a similar margin.

Cinebench R15

Cinebench is a benchmark based around Cinema 4D, and is fairly well known among enthusiasts for stressing the CPU for a provided workload. Results are given as a score, where higher is better.

Cinebench R15 - Single Threaded

Cinebench R15 - Multi-Threaded

Despite the single thread performance, in multithreaded the gap between Pentium, i3-T, APU and i3 is similar to that seen in Photoscan.

HandBrake v0.9.9: link

For HandBrake, we take two videos (a 2h20 640x266 DVD rip and a 10min double UHD 3840x4320 animation short) and convert them to x264 format in an MP4 container.  Results are given in terms of the frames per second processed, and HandBrake uses as many threads as possible.

HandBrake v0.9.9 LQ Film

HandBrake v0.9.9 2x4K

It's a similar story here, especially when we bring up 4K encoding in Handbrake. The APUs outperform the G3258 and the more expensive i3-T, but the i3-4330 is marginally quicker.

Hybrid x265

Hybrid is a new benchmark, where we take a 4K 1500 frame video and convert it into an x265 format without audio. Results are given in frames per second.

Hybrid x265, 4K Video

Office and Web Performance Professional Performance: Linux
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  • jabber - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - link


    "Yayyyy I use 7Zip all day long! "

    Said no one...ever.

    I don't even know why people still compact files? Are they still using floppies? Man, poor devils.
  • Gigaplex - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - link

    I've been getting BSODs lately due to a bad Windows Update. The Microsoftie asked me to upload a complete memory crash dump. There's no way I can upload a 16GB dump file in a reasonable timeframe on a ~800kbps upload connection, especially when my machine BSODs every 24 hours. Compression brought that down to a much more manageable 4GB.
  • galta - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - link

    So it makes perfect sense for yoy to stay with AMD...
  • NeatOman - Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - link

    I use it everyday :( rocking a FX-8320@4.5Ghz for the last 3 years.. I picked it up for $180 with the CPU and!! Motherboard. I was about to pick up a 3770k too, saved about $200 but am about 15-20% down on performance. And if you're worried about electrical cost, you're walking over dollars to pick up pennies.

    I do it to send pictures of work I do, and a good SSD is key :)
  • UtilityMax - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - link

    If you look at the WinRAR benchmark, then that result strongly suggests that WinRAR is multi-threaded. I mean, two core two thread Pentium is clearly slower than the two core but four thread Core i3, and quad-core i5 is clearly faster than Core i3, and Core i7 with its eight threads is clearly faster than Core i5. Hence galta's comment that AMD FX with 8 cores is probably even faster, but he says that this is not normal usage.
  • TheJian - Thursday, May 14, 2015 - link

    There is an actual checkbox in winrar for multithreading for ages now. ROFL. 95% of usenet uses winrar, as does most of the web. That doesn't mean I don't have 7zip installed, just saying it is only installed for the once in 6 months I find a file that uses it.

    You apparently didn't even read what he said. He clearly states he's using winrar and finds FX is much faster using 8 cores of FX in winrar. You're like, wrong on all fronts. He's using winrar (can't read?), he's using FX (why suggest it? Can't read?) AND there is a freaking check-box to turn on multi-threading in the app. Not sure whether you're shilling for AMD here or 7zip, but...jeez.
  • galta - Saturday, May 16, 2015 - link

    Last AMD CPU I had was the old and venerable 386DX@40Mhz. Where any of you alive back in the early 90s?
    Ever since I've been using Intel.
    Of course there were some brief moments during this time when AMD had the upper hand, but the last it happened was some 10 years ago when Athlom and its two cores were a revolution and smashed Pentium Ds. It's just that during that particular moment I wasn't looking for an upgrade so I've Intel ever since.
    Having said that, I have to add that I don't understand why we are spending so much time discussing compression of files.
    Of course that the more cores you have the better, and AMD happens to have the least expensive 8 core processor on the market, BUT most users spend something like 0.15% of their time compressing files, making this particular shinny performance irrelevant for most of us.
    Because most of other software does not scale so good in multithreading (and for games, it has nothing to do with DX12 as someone said elsewhere), we are most likely interested in performance per core, and Intel clearly has the lead here.
  • NeatOman - Wednesday, May 13, 2015 - link

    Truth is the average user won't be able to tell the difference on a system with a i3 running on a ssd and a A6-7400k on a ssd or even a A10-7850k which would be more direct competition to the i3. I build about 2-4 new Intel and AMD systems a month and the only time I myself notice is when I'm setting them up, after that they all feel relitivly close in speed due to the SSD which was the largest bottleneck to have been overcome in the last 10 years.

    So Intel might feel snappier but are still not much faster in day to day use of heavy browsing and media consumtion as long as you have enough ram and a decent SSD.
  • mapesdhs - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - link

    Ian Cutress wrote:
    > Being a scaling benchmark, C-Ray prefers threads and seems more designed for Intel."

    It was never specifically designed for Intel. John told me it was, " extremely
    small program I did one day to figure out how would the simplest raytracer program
    look like in the least amount of code lines."

    The default simple scene doesn't make use of any main RAM at all (some systems
    could hold it entirely in L1 cache). The larger test is more useful, but it's still wise to
    bare in mind to what extent the test is applicable to general performance comparisons.
    John confirmed this, saying, "This thing only measures 'floating point CPU performance'
    and nothing more, and it's good that nothing else affects the results. A real rendering
    program/scene would be still CPU-limited meaning that by far the major part of the time
    spent would be CPU time in the fpu, but it would have more overhead for disk I/O, shader
    parsing, more strain for the memory bandwidth, and various other things. So it's a good
    approximation being a renderer itself, but it's definitely not representative."

    As a benchmark though, c-ray's scalability is incredibly useful, in theory only limited by
    the no. of lines in an image, so testing a system with dozens of CPUs is easy.

    Thanks for using the correct link btw! 8)


    PS. Ian, which c-ray test file/image are you using, and with what settings? ie. how many
    threads? Just wondered if it's one of the stated tests on my page, or one of those defined
    by Phoronix. The Phoronix page says they use 16 threads per core, 8x AA and 1600x1200
    output, but not which test file is used (scene or sphfract; probably the latter I expect, as
    'scene's incredibly simple).
  • Ian Cutress - Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - link

    It's the c-ray hard test on Linux-Bench, using

    cat sphfract | ./c-ray-mt -t $threads -s 3840x2160 -r 8 > foo.ppm

    I guess saying it preferred Intel is a little harsh. Many programs are just written the way people understand how to code, and it ends up sheer luck if they're better on one platform by default than the other, such as with 3DPM.

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