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  • tipoo - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Fyi, when on page 2 and clicking "convolutional, etc" for page 3, it brings me back to the homepage
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Fixed. Sorry about that.
  • Eris_Floralia - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Johan's new piece in 14 months! Looking forward to your Rome review :)
  • JohanAnandtech - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Just when you think nobody noticed you were gone. Great to come home again. :-)
  • Eris_Floralia - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    Your coverage on server processors are great!
    Can still well remember Nehalem, Barcelona, and especially Bulldozer aftermath articles
  • djayjp - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Not having a Tesla for such an article seems like a glaring omission.
  • warreo - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Doubt Nvidia is sourcing AT these cards, so it's likely an issue of cost and availability. Titan is much cheaper than a Tesla, and I'm not even sure you can get V100's unless you're an enterprise customer ordering some (presumably large) minimum quantity.
  • olafgarten - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    It is available
  • abufrejoval - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    Those bottlenecks are over now and P100, V100 can be bought pretty freely, as well as RTX6000/8000 (Turings). Actually the "T100" is still missing and the closest siblings (RTX 6000/8000) might never get certified for rackmount servers, because they have active fans while the P100/V100 are designed to be cooled by server fans. I operate a handful of each and getting budget is typically the bigger hurdle than purchasing.
  • SSNSeawolf - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    I've been trying to find more information on Cascade Lake's AI/VNNI performance, but came up dry. Thanks, Johan. Eagerly putting this aside for my lunch reading today.
  • Drumsticks - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    It's an interesting, valuable take on the challenges of responding to many of the ML workloads of today with a general purpose CPU, thanks! A third party review of Intel's latest against Nvidia, and even throwing AMD in to the mix, is pretty helpful as the two companies have been going at it for a while now.

    Intel has a lot of stuff going that should make the next few years quite interesting. If they manage to follow through on the Nervana Coprocessor/NNP-I that Toms talked about, or on their discrete GPUs, they'll have a potent lineup. The execution definitely isn't guaranteed, especially given the software reliance these products will have, but if Intel really can manage to transform their product stack, and do it in the next few years, they'll be well on their way to competing in a much larger market, and defending their current one.

    OTOH, if they fail with all of them, it'll definitely be bad news for their future. They obviously won't go bankrupt (they'll continue to be larger than AMD for the foreseeable future), but it'll be exponentially harder if not impossible to get back into those markets they missed.
  • JohanAnandtech - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Thanks! Indeed, Nervana coprocessors are indeed Intel's most promising technology in this area.
  • p1esk - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    No one in their right mind would think "gee, should I get CPU or GPU for my DL app?" More concerning for Intel should be the fact that I bought a Threadripper for my latest DL build.
  • Smell This - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    You gotta Radeon VII ?

    I'm thinking Intel, and to a lesser extent, nVidia, is waiting for the next shoe(s) to drop in **Big Compute** --- Cascade Lake has been left at the starting gate.

    An AMD Radeon Instinct 'cluster' on a dense specialized 'chiplet' server with hundreds of CPU cores/threads is where this train is headed ...
  • JohanAnandtech - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Spinning up a GPU based instance on Amazon is much more expensive than a CPU one. So for development purposes, this question is asked.
  • p1esk - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    Then you should be answering precisely that question: which instance should I spin up? Your article does not help with that because the CPU you test is more expensive than the GPU.
  • JohnnyClueless - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Really surprised Intel, and to a lesser extent AMD, are even trying to fight this battle with nVidia on these terms. It’s a lot like going to a gun fight and developing an extra sharp samurai sword rather than bringing the usual switchblade knife. The sword may be awesome, but it’s always going to be the wrong tool for the gun fight.

    IMO, a better approach to capture market share in DL/AI/HPC might be to develop a low core count (by 2019 standards) CPU that excelled at sequential single threaded performance. Something like 6-10 GHz. That would provide a huge and tangible boost to any workload that is at least partially single core frequency limited, and that is most DL/AI/HPC workloads. Leave the parallel computing to chips and devices designed to excel at such workloads!
  • Eris_Floralia - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Still living in early 2000s?
  • FunBunny2 - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    "Something like 6-10 GHz. "

    IIRC, all the chip tried to get near that, but couldn't. it's not nice to fool Mother Nature.
  • Santoval - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    "Something like 6-10 GHz."
    Google "Dennard scaling" (which ended in ~2005) to find out why this is impossible, at least with silicon based MOSFET transistors (including the GAA-FET based ones of the next decade). Wikipedia has a very informative page with multiple links to various sources for even more. The gist of the end of Dennard scaling is that single core clocks higher than ~5 GHz (at a reasonable TDP of up to ~100W) are explicitly forbidden at *any* node.

    When Dennard scaling ended -in combination with the slowing down of Moore's Law- there was another, related consequence : Koomey's law started to slow down. Koomey's law is all about power efficiency, i.e. how many computations you can extract from each Wh or kWh.

    Before the early 2000s the number of computations per x unit of energy doubled on average every 1.57 years. In 2011 Koomey himself re-evaluated his law and got an average doubling of computations every 2.6 years for the previous decade, a substantial collapse of power efficiency. Since 2011 Koomey's law has obviously slowed down further.

    To make a long story short Moore's law puts a limit to the number of transistors we can fit in each mm^2, and that limit is not too far away. Dennard scaling once allowed us to raise clocks with each new node at the same TDP, and this is ancient history in computing terms. Koomey's law, finally, puts a limit to the power efficiency of our CPUs/GPUs, and this continues to slow down due to the slowing down of Moore's Law (when Moore's Law ends Koomey's law will also end, thus all three fundamental computing laws will be "dead").

    Unless we ditch silicon (and even CMOS transistors, if required) and adopt a new computing paradigm we will have neither 6 - 10 GHz clocked CPUs in a couple of decades nor will we able to speed up CPUs, GPUs and computers at all.
  • C-4 - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    It's interesting that optimizations did so much for the Intel processors (but relatively less for the AMD ones). Who made these optimizations? How much time was devoted to doing this? How close are the algorithms to being "fully optimized" for the AMD and nVidia chips?
  • quorm - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    I believe these optimizations largely take advantage of AVX512, and are therefore intel specific, as amd processors do not incorporate this feature.
  • RSAUser - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    As quorm said, I'd assume it's due to AVX512 optimizations, the next generation of AMD Epyc CPU's should support it, and I am hoping closer to 3GHz clock speeds on the 64 core chips, since it seems the new ceiling is around the 4GHz mark for 16 all-core.

    It will be an interesting Q3/Q4 for Intel in the server market this year.
  • SarahKerrigan - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Next generation? You mean Rome? Zen2 doesn't have any AVX512.
  • HStewart - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    I believe AMD AVX 2 is dual-128 bit instead of 256bit - so AVX 512 would probably be quad 128bit .
  • jospoortvliet - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    That’s not really how it works, in the sense that you explicitly need to support the new instructions... and amd doesn’t (plan to, as far as we know).
  • Qasar - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    from wikipedia :
    " AVX2 is now fully supported, with an increase in execution unit width from 128-bit to 256-bit. "

    " AMD has increased the execution unit width from 128-bit to 256-bit, allowing for single-cycle AVX2 calculations, rather than cracking the calculation into two instructions and two cycles."
    which is from here :

    looks like AVX2 is single 256 bit :-)
  • name99 - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Regarding the limits of large batches: while this is true in principle, the maximum size of those batches can be very large, is hard to predict (at leas right now) and there is on-going work to increase the sizes, This link describes some of the issue and what’s known:

    I think Intel would be foolish to pin many hopes on the assumption that batch scaling will soon end the superior performance of GPUs and even more specialized hardware...
  • brunohassuna - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    Some information about energy consumption would very useful in comparisons like that
  • ozzuneoj86 - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    My first thought when clicking this article was how much more visibly-complex CPUs have gotten in the past ~35 years.

    Compare the bottom of that Xeon to the bottom of a CLCC package 286:

    And that doesn't even touch the difference internally... 134,000 transistors to 8 million and from 16Mhz to 4,000Mhz. The mind boggles.
  • Bp_968 - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    Oh no, not 8 million, 8 *billion* (for the 8180 xeon), and 19.2 *billion* for the last gen AMD 32 core epyc! I don't think they have released much info on the new epyc yet buy its safe to assume its going to be 36-40 billion! (I dont know how many transistors are used in the I/O controller).

    And like you said, the connections are crazy! The xeon has a 5903 BGA connection so it doesn't even socket, its soldered to the board.
  • ozzuneoj86 - Sunday, August 4, 2019 - link

    Doh! Thanks for correcting the typo!

    Yes, 8 BILLION... it's incredible! It's even more difficult to fathom that these things, with billions of "things" in such a small area are nowhere near as complex or versatile as a similarly sized living organism.
  • s.yu - Sunday, August 4, 2019 - link

    Well the current magnetic storage is far from the storage density of DNA, in this sense.
  • FunBunny2 - Monday, July 29, 2019 - link

    "As a single SQL query is nowhere near as parallel as Neural Networks – in many cases they are 100% sequential "

    hogwash. SQL, or rather the RM which it purports to implement, is embarrassingly parallel; these are set operations which care not a fig for order. the folks who write SQL engines, OTOH, are still stuck in C land. with SSD seq processing so much faster than HDD, app developers are reverting to 60s tape processing methods. good for them.
  • bobhumplick - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    so cpus will become more gpu like and gpus will become more cpu like. you got your avx in my cuda core. no, you got your cuda core in my avx......mmmmmm
  • bobhumplick - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    intel need to get those gpus out quick
  • Amiba Gelos - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    LSTM in 2019?
    At least try GRU or transformer instead.
    LSTM is notorious for its non-parallelizablity, skewing the result toward cpu.
  • Rudde - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    I believe that's why they benchmarked LSTM. They benchmarked gpu stronghold CNNs to show great gpu performance and benchmarked LSTM to show great cpu performance.
  • Amiba Gelos - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    Recommendation pipeline already demonstrates the necessity of good cpus for ML.
    Imho benching LSTM to showcase cpu perf is misleading. It is slow, performing equally or worse than alts, and got replaced by transformer and cnn in NMT and NLP.
    Heck why not wavenet? That's real world app.
    I bet cpu would perform even "better" lol.
  • facetimeforpcappp - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    A welcome will show up on their screen which they have to acknowledge to make a call.
    So there you go; Mac to PC, PC to iPhone, iPad to PC or PC to iPod, the alternatives are various, you need to pick one that suits your needs. Facetime has magnificent video calling quality than other best video calling applications.
  • Gondalf - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    Kudos to the article from a technical point of view :), a little less for the weak analysis of the server market. Johan say that Intel is slowing down in server but the server market is growing fast.
    Unfortunately it is not: Q1 this year was the worst quarter of server market in 8 quarters with a grow of only 1%. Q2 will be likely on a negative trend, moreover there is a general consensus that 2019 will be a negative year with a drop in global revenue.
    So there recent Intel drop is consistent with a drop of the demand in China in Q2.

    To be underlined that a GPU has to be piloted and every GPU like Tesla is up, there is a one or two Xeons on the motherboard.
    GPU is only an accelerator, but without a cpu is useless. Intel slides about upcoming threat from competitors are related to the existence of AMD in HPC , IBM and some sparse ARM based SKUs for custom applications.
    A GPU is welcomed, it helps to sell more Xeons.
  • eastcoast_pete - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    More a question than anything else: What is the state of AI-related computing on AMD (graphics) hardware? I know NVIDIA is very dominant, but is it mainly due to an existing software ecosystem?
  • BenSkywalker - Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - link

    AMD has two major hurdles to overcome when specifically looking at AI/ML on GPUs, essentially non existent software support and essentially non existent hardware support. AMD has chosen the route of focusing on general purpose cores that can perform solidly on a variety of traditional tasks both in hardware and software. AI/ML benefit enormously from specialized hardware that in turn takes specialized software to utilize.

    This entire article is stacking up $40k worth of Intel CPUs against a consumer nVidia part and Intel gets crushed whenever nVidia can use it's specialized hardware. Throw a few Tesla V100s in to give us something resembling price parity and Intel would be eviscerated.

    AMD needs tensor cores, a decade worth of tools development, and a decade worth of pipeline development(university training, integration into new systems and build out on to those systems, not hardware pipeline) in order to get where nVidia is now if they were standing still.

    The software ecosystem is the biggest problem long term, everyone working in the field uses CUDA whenever they can, even if AMD mopped the floor with nVidia on the hardware side, for their GPUs to get traction they would need all the development tools nVidia has spent a decade building, but right now their GPUs are throttled by nVidia because of specialized hardware.
  • abufrejoval - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    Some telepathy must be involved: Just a day or two before this appeared online, I was looking for Johan de Gelas' last appearance on AT in 2018 and thinking that it was high time for one of my favorite authors to publish something. Ever so glad you came out with the typical depth, quality and relevance!

    While GAFA and BATX seem to lead AI and the frameworks, their problems and solutions mostly fit their needs and as it turns out the vastest number of use cases cannot afford the depth and quality they require, nor do they benefit from it, either: If the responsibility of your AI is to monitor for broken drill bits from vibration, sound, normal and thermal visuals, the ability to identify cats in every shape and color has no benefit.

    The big guys typically need to solve a sharply defined problem in a signle domain at a very high quality: They don't combine visual with audio and the inherent context in time-series video is actually ignored, as their AIs stare at each frame independently, hunting for known faces or things to tag and correlate social graphs and products.

    Iterating over ML approaches, NN designs and adequate hyperparameters for training requires months even with clusters of DGX workstations and highly experience ML experts. What makes all that effort worthwhile is that the inference part can then run at relatively low power on your mobile phone inside WeChat, Facebook, Instagram, Google keyboard/translate (or some other "innocent" background app) at billions of instances: Trial and train until you have trained the single sufficiently good network design in days, weeks or even months and then you can deploy inference to billions of devices on battery power.

    Few of us smaller IT companies can replicate that, but again, few of us need to, because we have a vastly higher number of small problems to solve and with a few orders of magnitude less of a difference in training:inference efforts: 1Watt of difference makes or brakes the usability of inference model on mobile target devices, 100 Watts of difference in a couple of servers running a dozen instances of a less optimized and well trained model won't justify an ML-expert team working through another five pizzas.

    As the complexity of your approach (e.g. XGBoost or RF) is perhaps much smaller or your network are much simpler than those of GAFA/BATX you actually worry about how to scale-in not out and batch dozens of training for model iteration and mix that with some QA or even production inference streams on GPUs which Linux understands or treats little better than a printer with DMA.

    Intel quite simply understands that while you get famous with the results you get from training AIs e.g. on GPUs, the money is made from inference at the lowest power and lowest operational overhead: Linux (or Unix for that matter), knows how to manage virtual memory (preferably uniform) and CPUs (preferably few); a memory hierarchy deeper than the manual for your VCR and more types and numbers of cores than Unics first hard disk had in blocks, confuse it.

    But I'd dare say that AMD understood it much longer and much better. When they came up with the HSA on their first APUs, this GPGPU blend, which allowed switching the compute model with a function call makes CUDA look very brutish indeed.

    Writing code able to take full advantage of these GPGPU capabilites is still a nightmare, because high-level languages have abstraction levels far too low for what these APUs or VNNI CPUs can execute in a single clock cycle, but from the way I read it, the Infinity Fabric is about making those barriers as low as they can possibly be in terms of hardware and memory space.

    And RISC-V goes beyond what all x86 advocates still suffer from: An instruction set that's not designed for modular expandability.
  • FunBunny2 - Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - link

    "Trial and train until you have trained the single sufficiently good network design in days, weeks or even months and then you can deploy inference to billions of devices on battery power."

    when and if this capability is used for something useful, e.g. cure for cancer, rather than yet another scheme to extract moolah from rubes. then I'll be interested.
  • keg504 - Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - link

    Why do you say on the testing page that AMD is colour coded in orange, and then put them in grey?
  • 808Hilo - Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - link

    Client/server renamed again...
    There is no AI. That stuff is very very dumb. look at the diagramm above. Nothing new. Data, script does something, parsing and readout of vastly unimportant info. I have not seen a single meaningful AI app. Its now year 25 of the Internet and I am terribly bored. Next please.
  • J7SC_Orion - Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - link

    This explains very nicely why Intel has been raiding GPU staff and pouring resources into Xe Discrete Graphics...if you can't beat them, join them ?
  • - Saturday, August 3, 2019 - link

    Thank you very much.
  • Threska - Saturday, August 3, 2019 - link

    What a coincidence. The latest humble bundle is "Data Analysis & Machine Learning by O'Reilly"
  • ballsystemlord - Saturday, August 3, 2019 - link

    Spelling and grammar errors:

    "But it will have a impact on total energy consumption, which we will discuss."
    "An" not "a":
    "But it will have an impact on total energy consumption, which we will discuss."

    "We our newest servers into virtual clusters to make better use of all those core."
    Missing "s" and missing word. I guessed "combine".
    "We combine our newest servers into virtual clusters to make better use of all those cores."

    "For reasons unknown to us, we could get our 2.7 GHz 8280 to perform much better than the 2.1 GHz Xeon 8176."
    The 8280 is only slightly faster in the table than the 8176. It is the 8180 that is missing from the table.

    "However, since my group is mostly using TensorFlow as a deep learning framework, we tend to with stick with it."
    Excess "with":
    "However, since my group is mostly using TensorFlow as a deep learning framework, we tend to stick with it."

    "It has been observed that using a larger batch can causes significant degradation in the quality of the model,..."
    Remove plural form:
    "It has been observed that using a larger batch can cause significant degradation in the quality of the model,..."

    "...but in many applications a loss of even a few percent is a significant."
    Excess "a":
    "...but in many applications a loss of even a few percent is significant."

    "LSTM however come with the disadvantage that they are a lot more bandwidth intensive."
    Add an "s":
    "LSTMs however come with the disadvantage that they are a lot more bandwidth intensive."

    "LSTMs exhibit quite inefficient memory access pattern when executed on mobile GPUs due to the redundant data movements and limited off-chip bandwidth."
    "pattern" should be plural because "LSTMs" is plural, I choose an "s":
    "LSTMs exhibit quite inefficient memory access patterns when executed on mobile GPUs due to the redundant data movements and limited off-chip bandwidth."

    "Of course, you have the make the most of the available AVX/AVX2/AVX512 SIMD power."
    "to" not "the":
    "Of course, you have to make the most of the available AVX/AVX2/AVX512 SIMD power."

    "Also, this another data point that proves that CNNs might be one of the best use cases for GPUs."
    Missing "is":
    "Also, this is another data point that proves that CNNs might be one of the best use cases for GPUs."

    "From a high-level workflow perfspective,..."
    A joke, or a misspelling?

    "... it's not enough if the new chips have to go head-to-head with a GPU in a task the latter doesn't completely suck at."
    Traditionally, AT has had no language.
    "... it's not enough if the new chips have to go head-to-head with a GPU in a task the latter is good at."

    "It is been going on for a while,..."
    "has" not "is":
    "It has been going on for a while,..."
  • ballsystemlord - Saturday, August 3, 2019 - link

    Thanks for the cool article!
  • tmnvnbl - Tuesday, August 6, 2019 - link

    Great read, especially liked the background and perspective next to the benchmark details
  • dusk007 - Tuesday, August 6, 2019 - link

    Great Article.
    I wouldn't call Apache Arrow a database though. It is a data format more akin to a file format like csv or parquet. It is not something that stores data for you and gives it to you. It is the how to store data in memory. Like CSV or Parquet are a "how to" store data in Files. More efficient less redundancy less overhead when access from different runtimes (Tensorflow, Spark, Pandas,..).

    Love the article, I hope we get more of those. Also that huge performance optimizations are possible in this field just in software. Often renting compute in the cloud is cheaper than the man hours required to optimize though.
  • Emrickjack - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Johan's new piece in 14 months! Looking forward to your Rome review
  • Emrickjack - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    It More Information

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