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  • PyroHoltz - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    If they had a matte 1080p on the 13.3" model that'd be sweet.
  • MrSpadge - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    ... except you couldn'T read anything. Or, I, that is ;)
  • retrospooty - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    We arent asking for miracles here, just put LCD upgrade options onto your laptops. It doesnt have to be retina quality, just a single step up from 1366x768 would be a huge improvement on 13 and 14 inch screens. Ack! So tired of this res.
  • ananduser - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    If Apple can get away with 1280x on a 1200$(13" MBP) machine then why cannot Dell with a budget machine at half the price ?
  • ImSpartacus - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    The resolution doesn't matter. Apple's 1440x900 MBA screen costs $100 for a replacement. The screen on the Vostro 3350 (last gen) cost $55 (+$10 for matte). I'd imagine the 3360's price is similar.

    It's a shame to think that less than $50 separates us from shitty TN to godly TN.

    And IPS? The only laptop IPS screen that came to mind is the X220's 12.5" 1366x768 mattescreen. It's only $110.

    If you're curious, the iPad 3's 9.7" screen is $80.
  • themossie - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    Thank you! I haven't seen a comparison of laptop LCD prices before.
    Wondering what the price premium is for the new Macbook Pro panel...
  • ananduser - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    I mentioned MBP 13"(which is a 1280x) not MBA 13"(1440x). I don't think there is such thing as a godly TN. If one berates all TN panels then there is no compromise. Some TN panels are better but not by much.

    The difference of 50$ in BOM price is 70$-100$ in final product price. Apple doesn't charge the extra 16GB on the iphone with 20$ or 30$ but with 100$.
  • Conficio - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    The difference of 50$ in BOM price is 70$-100$ in final product price. Apple doesn't charge the extra 16GB on the iphone with 20$ or 30$ but with 100$.

    I think you discovered the problem!

    The assembled package prices are mind boggling. If you consider that you can buy the spare part for a fraction (and that is all consumer prices, not volume price) and have not factored in that you don't need the original poor quality part.
  • LSB - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    Actually... there is:
  • Penti - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    They are not business notebooks until they support proper docking station-adaptors, comes with QM-series chipset for vPro/Intel AMT. These don't even come with DisplayPort for your high-res screen at your desk. Sorry but they are still the dirt cheap feature free versions.
  • retrospooty - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    Yup... in spite of whatever marketing spin may be put on it. Vostro is designed to be cheap "no frills" basic PC's for low end business users. Not "enterprise class" as we know it, more like "office class". It gets your average office user internet, MS office, network and whatever Windows apps. For that purpose, its good, (other than the res on the laptops).
  • Taft12 - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    Not a single "enterprise" feature to be found here. I hope that's just a slip of Dustin's and not something Dell is actually trying to claim.

    The Vostro line was never aimed at enterprise customers, it was always tagged for small business. At least there's some good features available that make these better than Inspiron.
  • Shadowmaster625 - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    Near as I can tell, Dell's site doesnt mention anything about any mythical 32GB caching SSD for the 3560. Considering these dirty rotten bastards charge $220+ $$ for a frickin 128GB SSD UPGRADE from a HDD(!!), I seriously doubt they just gonna give away a caching SSD and not even mention it. These guys are so damn stingy they dont even give you 2 channels of RAM...
  • karasaj - Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - link

    @Shadow, The middle option on the dell 3560 on the website has a 32G SSD cache for me. At 870$ or so I think.

    Any news on whether or not this GPU in the Vostro 3460 is a kepler/fermi die shrink? The 28nm version like in the gigabyte laptops. That would be amazing if it is. Can anandtech update us on that please?
  • Conficio - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    Vostro 3560 starting price $599 with an 1080p upgrade.... In my dreams if I want the 1080p display I have to go with a the power processor, the power graphic card, the ... and the stating price is $1299.

    Gee why can't I have a decent display with a low end machine. I don't need high powered graphics to surf the net and watch a movie! By the way next up are good frame with a good keyboard and touch pad. The things I actually see and tough, you know?
  • karasaj - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    Maybe you could contact Dell? I don't know if they would do that but I guess you could try.

    And oops, apparently all of the GT630M cards are Fermi (according to and maybe here?) just some of them are 28nm. Do we know if the 28nm cards come with the Vostro?
  • twhittet - Wednesday, June 13, 2012 - link

    I couldn't find 1080p as an option at all under the consumer site.
    Logged into the premier site - I was able to add 1080p as a $70 option on a $800 base.

    It doesn't let me drop the i5 processor and 7670 video card upgrades that I wouldn't not want or need.
  • Nexing - Friday, June 15, 2012 - link

    Your article states "Moving up to the 14" 3460 gets you a 6-cell battery, four USB 3.0 ports instead of the three on the 3360, an ExpressCard/34 slot".
    Which is absent on the 3460 manual, absent in the pictures or in the specifications over Dell's site.
    Apparently Dell has decided to scrap the ExpressCard on the new 14" model, while keeping it on the 15". 2011's 13" 3350 model did also lost its ExpressCard, though at the time Dell promoted it as an option.
    Anandtech tends to publish accurate data, could you clarify this?
  • Nexing - Friday, June 22, 2012 - link

    So... no confirmation or correction of Anandtech published info that actually does not correlate with Dell's online 3460 manual?

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