Final Words

For $275 this card will make you happy if you are looking for features. This card is not for everyone, but you can bet that it will become popular as more people start noticing some of the extra video features. ASUS have been executing their cards very dynamically, and this is just one more high performance addition to the pack. The extra video features do compensate for the price, but remember that you can always choose the "Pure" model for about $70 less. A strong point is the fact that the V7700 is the only GTS with video capture abilities, and this is the card to get if you are looking for an "All on one GTS" package out of the box. You also get a little more than you have bargained for, each retail V7700 ships with a box full of software. A software DVD player is certainly appreciated, and titles such as Ulead VideoStudio and a full version of Soldier of Fortune are a big plus.

We should be looking ahead, with 3DFX, Matrox, and ATI catching up, will this be a good card six months from now? We certainly think so. At this point the strongest competitor in this area is ATI, with their lines of home-enthusiast cards such as the All-In-Wonder Radeon they have been the leader. A slight drawback of the V7700 is the lack of a TV tuner, where ATI is making sure that their "Wonder" cards feature one. We still feel that the V7700 is a good example of raw speed and features wrapped up on one silicon PCB.

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