Closing Thoughts: A New Spin on Ergonomics

At this point, I can say that I like much of what has been accomplished with the TECK. Truly Ergonomic claims that they’ve created a “revolution in typing”, but that’s probably a bit too far in my book. On the other hand, I’m not sure most people would be willing to invest in a "true" revolution—for example, I’ve toyed with the idea of trying out the Dvorak layout to see if it would improve my accuracy and speed, but it’s such a massive change from QWERTY that the learning curve is even worse than moving from a standard keyboard layout to the TECK; reportedly, it can take around a month of typing four hours a day to reach your previous QWERTY proficiency. Likewise, as someone who has used a “natural” keyboard for years, the modified layout of the TECK feels like a better take on a split key arrangement—the staggered keys on most keyboards really start to feel taxing once you get used to something else. The thing is, Truly Ergonomic isn’t the only company to “reinvent” the keyboard, and in fact they’re not even close to being the first.

One alternative is to go with keyboards from Kinesis, a company founded clear back in 1991 (when I was still in high school and carpal tunnel was so far in my future that it never even crossed my mind). I don’t know how much Kinesis has changed their design over the years, but the core design of their latest Contoured Advantage looks to be largely the same as the original Contoured introduced in 1992. What’s more, the Cherry MX Brown switches used in the TECK were actually created at the request of Kinesis as an alternative to the clicky MX Blue switches; that’s a pretty strong pedigree. Kinesis also offers their Advantage with Cherry MX Red linear switches for those that prefer a slightly different feel, though I’ve heard (and tend to agree) that reds are designed more for gamers than for typists. Still, I wouldn’t mind seeing TECK or others offer a selection of MX switches as an upgrade option.

For their part, Truly Ergonomic points to their clearly original design and says they’ve worked to make their keyboard more ergonomic than other options. I haven’t put the Advantage through the paces yet, so I can’t say which is (subjectively) better, but they are certainly different. Pricing is in favor of the TECK, as you can pick one up for $248 compared to $299 for the base Contoured Advantage, but the Kinesis keyboards also include macro functionality which might be worth the additional cost for some. The Advantage also includes USB hub functionality, and the Advantage Pro comes with a foot pedal that can be used to further improve typing performance. (As someone that is in awe of a good pianist or organist, however, I suspect learning to use your foot/feet while typing is not something that everyone will take to.)

Ultimately, I can’t recommend the TECK as a keyboard that is ideal for every user out there, but if you’re suffering from RSI/CTS (or think you might be), I can say that personally I feel like the past month of use has resulted in less discomfort after lengthy typing sessions than the MS Natural I’ve been using for years. That’s a pretty strong recommendation for a subset of users, but it comes with the caveats I’ve mentioned already. The learning curve on the TECK requires a serious commitment to change, and now that I’ve been typing on the TECK for a solid month I’m finding that my typing on regular keyboards has deteriorated somewhat (e.g. 57 WPM on the Rosewill RK-9100 compared to 70 WPM last month). It’s not as bad as what happened when I first switched to the TECK, but it’s definitely something that will take a bit of time to readjust, so if you happen to have multiple PCs that you use regularly (e.g. at work and at home), you might have to purchase two keyboards to avoid disorientation.

Then there’s the price. $248 makes this the type of product that you likely won’t be buying on an impulse, and when you look at other mechanical keyboards that sell for closer to $100 it can feel quite extreme. On the other hand, if you’re suffering from RSI/CTS, all it takes is a quick look at the cost of surgery and rehabilitation to make the TECK look far more enticing. For my part, it’s simple economics: not as many users are willing to commit to an ergonomic keyboard, particularly one like the TECK where there are enough changes that it requires effort to make the switch. When your market is smaller and you have to put more money into R&D to come up with your initial design, prices will be higher. That’s also why you don’t see other extras like a USB hub or keyboard backlighting on the TECK, as both items would take an already expensive keyboard up into the $300 range.

And that’s basically my recommendation right now: if you’re in the market for an ergonomic keyboard and want something more advanced than a simple split key “natural”, the options are quite limited. For ergonomic keyboards with mechanical switches, you have Truly Ergonomic’s TECK, the Kinesis Contoured Advantage, Maltron (the most expensive of the bunch), or if you don’t mind going the DIY route you could try the open source ErgoDox (which you can get for $200 via MassDrop). Depending on personal preference, I would imagine any of those three could end up being the “best”, but it’s a lot like shopping for clothing: there’s no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to keyboards. To that end, Truly Ergonomic does offer a 60-day money back guarantee on the TECK. I’m still well within that 60 day period and at this stage I’m more than happy to keep the TECK and continue using it. We’ll have to see if that’s still the case after I spend some time with Kinesis’ Advantage offering.

Subjective Evaluation: TECK It to the Limit (One More Time!)
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  • mbz - Thursday, March 7, 2013 - link

    There's another fully ergonomic choice out there:

    And you thought the TECK is expensive. I've been using one for about 20 years and I love it. My first one lasted about 19 years, I just finally bought a new one.
  • Gadgety - Thursday, March 7, 2013 - link

    BTW, there's surgery to remove Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. For someone who types that much, Jarred, could it be worth considering?
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, March 7, 2013 - link

    Surgery is only about 50% effective, and if you don't address the root cause (e.g. my typing), it often comes back. Anyway, it's not so bad that I can't live with it, but I'm doing my best to keep it from reaching that point!
  • DorkMan - Saturday, March 9, 2013 - link

    Sorry, didn't read all the comments before making my own comments a couple of pages above this one.

    I had CT surgery in both wrists, 100% successful, no relapse issue at all. The surgeon cuts the ligament across the tunnel and when it heals itself it is looser, eliminating the constriction on the tunnel. NOT caused by typing, according to the doc. Just happens in some people as they get older.

    Go for it. Huge difference, full sensation back over time. Wait too long, nerves die.
  • Nintendo Maniac 64 - Thursday, March 7, 2013 - link

    You've completely missed the Colemak layout, a modern design that specifically addresses several of the issues with Dvorak:

    I personally used Dvorak for about two years but found it caused more hand-stress than even QWERTY (particularly on the pinkies). This is what motivated me to switch to Colemak, and I've been on it for about 5 years now and can type faster, smoother, and less stressfully with it than I ever could or currently can with QWERTY.

    Also, having your computer layout not match your key-caps is a great way to improve you touch-typing skills.
  • Manabu - Saturday, March 23, 2013 - link

    Another good thing about colemak is that it strives to keep as many keys as possible in the same place as QWERTY, like the ZXCV combo. This means less problems with shortcuts and a faster transition than to dvorak. But not a easy one by any means...

    I tried it once only to give up two weeks latter... I don't type that much, so it didn't seem like it was worth the trouble... And I don't have carpal tunnel (yet...?) for the comfort factor weight that much...
  • tygrus - Thursday, March 7, 2013 - link

    A Dvorak version of this keyboard would be more ergonomic but even less people would want to use it. Steeper learning curve.
  • SilverRubicon - Thursday, March 7, 2013 - link

    I have a TEK and while I like it, I had to quit using it. There are too many middle keys and I was constantly hitting tab or delete when I wanted return. It's a mental issue on my part, but one I was never able to get over. The funny thing about it, I was always great with it in the morning but by the afternoon I could never find the right key. Exactly opposite of what I expected. I've since moved over to a TypeMatrix. Similar idea and layout, one less key in the center strip. I'm more comfortable with the TypeMatrix but dearly miss the mechanical keys on the TEK. Went so far as to purchase a second TypeMatrix for home.

    I've recently been using the TEK at home on my gaming pc. Maybe if I keep hammering away I'll over come my mental and dexterity issues and fall in love with it again. I like it too much to get rid of it, too frustrated to use while writing code.
  • IanCutress - Thursday, March 7, 2013 - link

    I wonder how much of a difference moving to a mechanical keyboard makes? I'm moving from a membrane to a Cherry MX Blue, which are apparently the good ones for typing (and it gives me severe nostalgia for the Commodore 64). Browns are meant to be more for gaming I thought? [Insert's thread on keyboards]
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, March 7, 2013 - link

    Hey, I started out with a Commodore 128 (used in C64 mode 99% of the time)! Actually, I used something called a Magnavox Odyssey^2 before that when I was maybe 5-8 years old that had a cartridge system and a keyboard, with games that routinely broke. LOL. Did the C64 really have mechanical switches? Ah, those were the days... 16 color animated sprites and D&D Gold Box adventures like Pool of Radiance were the stuff of my youth. :-)

    As for switches, my understanding is that Blue are the loudest and clickiest, but a lot of people like them. Red are linear (no "bump" unlike the Blue and Brown), and many have said those are best for gaming. Browns were specifically created for ergonomic keyboards at the request of Kinesis back in 1992 or so, but they've been used elsewhere since. I've heard some like to replace Browns with Clears to get a bit more click but not as much as Blue. Having only personally used Blue and Brown though, I can't offer much input on what's "best" overall. I know my wife didn't like the sound of me typing on the MX Blue switches, so that's something to keep in mind.

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