Company of Heroes 2

Our second benchmark in our benchmark suite is Relic Games’ Company of Heroes 2, the developer’s World War II Eastern Front themed RTS. For Company of Heroes 2 Relic was kind enough to put together a very strenuous built-in benchmark that was captured from one of the most demanding, snow-bound maps in the game, giving us a great look at CoH2’s performance at its worst. Consequently if a card can do well here then it should have no trouble throughout the rest of the game.

Our first strategy game is also our first game that is flat out AFR incompatible, and as a result the only way to get the best performance out of Company of Heroes 2 is with the fastest single-GPU card available. To that end this is a very clear victory for the 290X, and in fact will be the largest lead for the 290X of all of our benchmarks. At 2560 it’s a full 29% faster than the GTX 780, which all but puts the 290X in a class of its own. This game also shows some of the greatest gains for the 290X over the 280X, with the 290X surpassing its Tahti based predecessor by an equally chart topping 41%. It’s not clear what it is at this time that Company of Heroes 2 loves about 290X in particular, but as far as this game is concerned AMD has put together an architecture that maps well to the game’s needs.

Briefly, because of a lack of AFR compatibility 4K is only barely attainable with any kind of GPU setup. In fact we’re only throwing in the scale-less SLI/CF numbers to showcase that fact. We had to dial down our quality settings to Low on CoH2 in order to get a framerate above 30fps; even though we can be more liberal about playable framerates on strategy games, there still needs to be a cutoff for average framerates around that point. As a result 280X, GTX Titan, and 290X are the only cards to make that cutoff, with 290X being the clear winner. But the loss in quality to make 4K achievable is hardly worth the cost.


Moving on to minimum framerates, we see that at its most stressful points that nothing, not even 290X, can keep its minimums above 30fps. For a strategy game this is bearable, but we certainly wouldn’t mind more performance. AMD will be pleased though, as their performance advantage over the GTX 780 is only further extended here; a 29% average performance advantage becomes a 43% minimum performance advantage at 2560.

Finally, while we don’t see any performance advantages from AFR on this game we did run our FCAT benchmarks anyhow to quickly capture the delta percentages. Company of Heroes 2 has a higher than average variance even among single cards, which results in deltas being above 5%. The difference between 5% and 7% is not going to be too significant in practice here, but along with AMD’s performance advantage they do have slightly more consistent frame times than the GTX 780. Though in both the case of the 280X and the 290X we’re looking at what are essentially the same deltas, so while the 290X improves on framerates versus the 280X, it doesn’t bring with it any improvements in frame time consistency.

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  • Ytterbium - Monday, October 28, 2013 - link

    It's kind of funny that for computer your better off buying the lower down 280X cards, I guess that AMD saw what NVidia did with the Titan and though we'll have some of that, they'll be a pronsumer card with 1/4 FP for $1000
  • SolMiester - Monday, October 28, 2013 - link

    You obviously dont know 780Ti is coming! hell, even OC 780 is better than current Titan which is PROsumer for CUDA dev...that why it has different model naming..
    Anyway, if you can keep the 290x under 94c without throttling, it is indeed a great card, however the review I have seen with sustained gaming have it throttling up to -30%
  • motqalden - Sunday, October 27, 2013 - link

    Lol R9 290X CF "Uber" 66.6 dB(A)
    Go Red Team ^.^
    >.> 666 + Red team

    Remember. Competition is a good thing!
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, October 28, 2013 - link

    And I ran that test 3 times to make sure it wasn't a fluke. It really is 66.6dB(A).
  • faster - Sunday, October 27, 2013 - link

    SOFT LAUNCH Too bad the cards aren't available anywhere from 10/24/2013 to 10/27/2013 besides a handful on the first day that went to the lucky 100.
  • AnnihilatorX - Monday, October 28, 2013 - link

    Minor typo:

    The closest we came to a problem was with the intro videos for Total War: Rome 2, which have black horizontal lines due to the cards trying to the cards trying to AFR render said video at a higher framerate than it played at.
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, October 28, 2013 - link

  • AnnihilatorX - Monday, October 28, 2013 - link

    I do hope 3rd party has more support watercooling, there is a gap in market for affordable prebuilt CPU with water blocks.
  • muziqaz - Sunday, November 3, 2013 - link

    On release date in ocUK website there were i think 2 cards with prebuilt watercooling block for available. So I guess watercooling is being supported ;)
  • AnnihilatorX - Monday, October 28, 2013 - link

    oops, CPU-->GPU

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